Vicky's Comm 303 Blog
Just another onMason weblog
Assignment 2/18/2010
Posted on February 18th, 2010 at 8:11 am by and

Exercise 4.1 Paraphrasing

1. Martin Goldsmith, general manager of the local public radio station would like to raise $100,000 towards programming efforts which is 15% more than was raised last year. With rising costs and spending of $130,000 last year the station needs money to provide the audience with their wants and he hopes this plan will achieve that goal.

3. The response of the audience to last night’s performance was gratifying as stated by Marsha Moss, director of the local symphony orchestra. She feels it is always more fun than playing for critics and the audience’s response is greatly appreciated after all the hard work that went towards the show.

5. Anita Keller, president of the local chapter of Mothers Against Drunk driving feels legislators have not gotten the message about laws against drunk driving being too lenient after the issue has been brought up numerous times. The alcohol industry is a heavy influence towards legislator’s that contributes to their campaigns to maintain the current laws which is not decreasing the daily death toll.

7. Bruce Hill, organizer of an antique automobile show set for this weekend believes that old cars like his own 1929 Pacard are amazing if well-maintained. Many of the cars featured will be British cars like old Triumphs and Jaguars which will be something folks would be interested in viewing this Saturday and Sunday because of their allure.

Comments so far:

  1. Link Here | February 24, 2010,

    Very long paraphrases, full of run-on sentences. You need to be more selective about what information you keep. 2/5.


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