Vicky's Comm 303 Blog
Just another onMason weblog
Put On A Funny Face
Posted on February 28th, 2010 at 12:41 pm by and

When you log into Facebook it is inevitable to go on the site without noticing an abundance of posts on the live feed wall of your friend’s recent activities. Aside from writing on friend’s walls and posting pictures, users now see events such as “changed profile picture,” however it is to a celebrity or “became a fan of…” These new phenomenons are taking over the news feeds when they seem to be completely pointless such as the group “I Used to Cover My Hands in Glue at School Just So I Could Peel It Off.” Groups like these are gaining more members each day, which is a statement to others about a certain friend’s interests. While the groups have little meaning and are joined to share a commonality with others in the group, there is something interesting about why there is such an obsession to join these groups or become fans of certain pages. For example, I have a friend whose new groups and fan pages take up more than half my feed and I sometimes wonder if she actually  relates to all the groups to share a bond with others or if she is mindlessly clicking on them to join for the sake of joining.

Comments so far:

  1. Link Here | February 28, 2010,

    This is so true! I must admit, I have joined clubs or “became a fan of” simply because I thought it was funny or it was something that I could relate to or knew something about. Yes it’s pointless, but really so is facebook to a certain degree and I’m still hooked. I think the appeal is because the clubs or the other pop ups make us laugh or say to ourselves, “hey i used to or still do that” so we join that group or become a fan. Oh Facebook and your marketing schemes!


  2. Link Here | February 28, 2010,

    I couldn’t agree more! I admit that some of the groups are funny – although I think that the humor comes from the fact that almost everyone can relate to them. What I find more odd in terms of Facebook is the whole Mafia Wars / Zombies v.s Vampires / Farmville phenomenon. Get real lives people, a virtual one doesn’t count!


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