Vicky's Comm 303 Blog
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Web Package
Posted on March 31st, 2010 at 9:49 pm by and

I found this web package in the Arts section of the New York Times. It is of a retired dancer, Anne Bass who chooses to dance again once her daughters started and and upon being too tired she decides to make the dance film, “Dancing Across Borders” with a young Cambodian boy.

Elements of the package include:

-A picture of Anne Bass, with Sokvannara Sar, the dancer she discovered in Cambodia 10 years ago

-The “Dancing Across Borders” trailer

-A related article of Sokvannara Sar taking part in the ballet competition in Varna, Bulgaria.

-Links to Peter Boal, Khemer Rouge, School of American Ballet, New York City Ballet

-A section that helps you share the article via Twitter and E-mail in which you have to “sign in to recommend”

-List of stories you might also like

-The article can also be shared through Linkedin, Digg, Facebook, Mixx, Myspace, and Yahoo! Buzz


I like how the trailer for the movie is posted to this web package. It is a great way for the reader to get a glimpse of the movie being described. Especially after all the build up from the journey of how the movie was made it is great to see part of the finished product. Descriptions can only say so much, but to see something takes a story to a whole new level. The video of the young dancer’s past is also a great element such that viewers can see the other forms of dance not in the film that he can perform. There are also many other links to explore in this article that are relevant to the article which are a good idea if the readers want more information on the people and places that are mentioned.


I would have never clicked on the links to Peter Boal or Khemer Rouge because I have no idea who they are and am not interested despite their links being helpful to some people who want to learn more about them

Comments so far:

  1. Link Here | April 6, 2010,

    When writing for the web, don’t just cut and paste URLs — create links so readers can click on them easily. 4/5.


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