Vicky's Comm 303 Blog
Just another onMason weblog
Assignment 2/4/2010
Posted on February 4th, 2010 at 11:58 am by and

4.2 News Values 1 pgs.94-96

Good Guy’ Holds Teacher, Students Hostage

1. The media would be interested in this story because the event occured at a local high school. The affected hostages will most likely notify their family and other community members if they are not notified by a media outlet first. This situation puts the whole community on alert from the trauma suffered at school and will make families think about how to prevent a similar event from occuring in the future. Methods such as violence awareness seminars could be held to combat this issue. Also, briefings and counseling could be available for anyone involved that feels the need to talk to someone. This story is valuable to the media and a worthy piece of news about the hostage happenings.

Who-Good guy Eli Dean
What-Held teacher and students hostage
Where-Central High School
Why-Could have been upset from recent suspensions
How-Held hostages at gunpoint with what is believed to be a .44 caliber revolver for about eight hours

3. Personal sources were used

4. Amanda Garr would be a possible source because she believe him to be upset from his recent suspensions. This shows that she could be close with him and from this relationship would be able to speak to reporters about the current issue to give them as much background information Eli as possible.

5. Check psychological history of Eli should be checked privately to better assess potential reasons for his actions and provide a more accurate reason for his cognitive thought process when holding students and faculty members hostage at school.

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