Vicky's Comm 303 Blog
Just another onMason weblog
Posted on February 16th, 2010 at 1:10 pm by and

Photo courtesy of Flicker user rowenar.

A young, fair-skinned blonde model with dread locks is posing for a photo in a brightly colored top. As she faces the camera, the viewer is drawn to the elaborate background behind her. For the backdrop, there is a red wall with numerous random pictures. The pictures range from postcards of London and Paris, a poster of Barack Obama and other various symbols and pictures.  It is difficult to decipher if the model with her seductive glance at the camera or the pictures behind her are the main focus of the picture. From the model’s body position and facial expression towards the camera, she shows a sense of confidence that she is owning the picture and is not afraid of the camera. Each feature exudes a massive amount of energy from the bright colors. Among most of the post cards and posters on the wall is a white outline that makes them stand out. As bright as the colors are, the model does not get lost in the picture since her clothes are equally as bright and the colors somehow work well together rather than creating a bright blur of loud colors. The picture illustrates a significant energy, which essentially makes this picture powerful.

Comments so far:

  1. Link Here | February 16, 2010,

    Good job. Your word choice is a little funky sometimes — do you mean “exude” rather than “elude”? 5/5.


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